
Remote Work Policy

At Adyfi, we understand the importance of a flexible work environment that allows our team to thrive. This Remote Workplace Policy outlines the guidelines and expectations for remote work to ensure a productive and collaborative digital marketing environment.

  1. Eligibility
    Remote work may be granted based on job responsibilities, individual performance, and the nature of tasks. Eligibility will be determined by department heads and HR.
  2. Work Hours
    Employees are expected to adhere to their regular working hours. Flexibility is encouraged, but core hours for team collaboration must be respected. Any deviations must be communicated and approved by supervisors.
  3. Communication
    Utilize digital communication tools effectively. Regular check-ins, team meetings, and project updates are mandatory. Respond to emails and messages promptly during working hours.
  4. Equipment and Security
    Ensure that remote workspaces are secure and equipped with necessary tools. Confidential information must be handled responsibly. Report any security concerns immediately.
  5. Productivity Measurement
    Focus on deliverables and results. Key performance indicators (KPIs) will be used to evaluate productivity. Regular performance reviews will be conducted.
  6. Ergonomics
    Maintain a comfortable and ergonomically sound workspace. Employees are responsible for their own equipment setup. Requests for additional equipment will be considered.
  7. Internet Connectivity
    A stable and reliable internet connection is essential. Employees must ensure a sufficient bandwidth to support their work requirements.
  8. Attendance and Leave
    Adhere to the company's attendance policies. Notify supervisors promptly if unable to work due to illness or other reasons. Follow established leave request procedures.
  9. Confidentiality
    Maintain the confidentiality of company information. Use secure networks, and avoid discussing sensitive matters in public or unsecured environments.
  10. Training and Development
    Remote employees have access to training and professional development opportunities. Stay informed about industry trends and advancements.
  11. Flexibility
    Adapt to changing circumstances and be open to adjustments in work arrangements. Flexibility is a two-way street, and collaboration is key to success.
  12. Reporting Issues
    Report any technical or operational issues to the IT department promptly. Seek assistance for problem resolution to minimize disruptions.
  13. Compliance
    Adhere to all company policies and guidelines. Failure to comply may result in the revocation of remote work privileges.
This Remote Workplace Policy aims to maintain a balance between flexibility and accountability. By following these guidelines, we ensure a positive and productive work environment for all team members.